ilmerge.exe does not like the device hardware.dll, throwing this exception in DOS mode: Unresolved assembly reference not allowed: Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0\WindowsCE
If it doesn't exist download and install .Net CF 2.0:
2. Copy ILMerge.exe and your dll files to this folder.
3. Run ILMerge from this folder (do not include other dll files other than your dll files).
It depends.
If the dll doesn't call any desktop specific methods it will work (like ControlsEx or HTTP library which supports both platforms).
Otherwise it will probably fail to merge.
Thanks Alfcen
Your program did the merging but for some reason the program, when running on the device, gets an error of not able to read this merged dll, and does not run.
I tried several times with the same result.
I merged GPS.dll, hardware.dll and SerialDevice.dll to Nivut.dll
All were in the same directory of the merger program.
Well, derez, I have tested a few but not all DLLs. Actually, I just attempted to merge serial2.dll and gps.dll. The resulting anjin.dll was accepted by the device but...
failed to respond.
Combining libraries doesn't seem to be that easy. Development continues in this theater of file dependencies.
I triend with gps and serialdevice - same problem.
I think that the problem in my case has something to do with the fact the my device has english & hebrew installed and I had experienced some problems with strings in textboxes that recieve and extra character at the beginning - may be the file name is corrupted and the system cannot find it.