B4A Versione: 10.60
Analisi del Codice. (0.33s)
Java Versione: 11
Building folders structure. (0.12s)
Compilazione del codice. (0.72s)
Compilazione del codice di layouts (0.05s)
Organizzazione Librerie. (0.00s)
(AndroidX SDK)
Generazione file R. (0.00s)
Compilazione del codice debugger. (3.14s)
Compilazione del codice Java prodotto. (3.72s)
Conversione byte code - ottimizzazione dex. Error
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$3) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$4) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$5) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$1) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$2) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$6) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$7) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.Main$1) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.MyTableModel$1) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.util.LogFileParser$1) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LF5SwingUtils$1) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$10) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$12) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$13) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$14) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
(org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$15) that doesn't come with an
associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a
compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended
solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler
and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring
this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly
indicate that it is *not* an inner class.
930 androidx.appcompat.app
10 androidx.appcompat.content.res
328 androidx.appcompat.graphics.drawable
28 androidx.appcompat.res
16 androidx.appcompat.resources
3 androidx.appcompat.text
155 androidx.appcompat.view
724 androidx.appcompat.view.menu
2587 androidx.appcompat.widget
25 androidx.arch.core.executor
53 androidx.arch.core.internal
1 androidx.arch.core.util
20 androidx.asynclayoutinflater.view
307 androidx.collection
16 androidx.coordinatorlayout
220 androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget
16 androidx.core
6 androidx.core.accessibilityservice
789 androidx.core.app
72 androidx.core.content
66 androidx.core.content.pm
111 androidx.core.content.res
5 androidx.core.database
2 androidx.core.database.sqlite
179 androidx.core.graphics
187 androidx.core.graphics.drawable
6 androidx.core.hardware.display
27 androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint
90 androidx.core.internal.view
2 androidx.core.location
5 androidx.core.math
32 androidx.core.net
108 androidx.core.os
87 androidx.core.provider
2 androidx.core.telephony.mbms
118 androidx.core.text
35 androidx.core.text.util
59 androidx.core.util
723 androidx.core.view
339 androidx.core.view.accessibility
10 androidx.core.view.animation
44 androidx.core.view.inputmethod
342 androidx.core.widget
70 androidx.cursoradapter.widget
17 androidx.customview.view
151 androidx.customview.widget
95 androidx.documentfile.provider
16 androidx.drawerlayout
177 androidx.drawerlayout.widget
16 androidx.fragment
1055 androidx.fragment.app
84 androidx.fragment.lint
11 androidx.interpolator.view.animation
117 androidx.legacy.app
4 androidx.legacy.content
1 androidx.legacy.view
11 androidx.legacy.widget
238 androidx.lifecycle
62 androidx.loader.app
122 androidx.loader.content
13 androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content
393 androidx.media
31 androidx.media.app
15 androidx.media.session
48 androidx.print
16 androidx.recyclerview
2118 androidx.recyclerview.widget
25 androidx.savedstate
119 androidx.slidingpanelayout.widget
16 androidx.swiperefreshlayout
256 androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget
322 androidx.vectordrawable.graphics.drawable
240 androidx.versionedparcelable
279 androidx.viewpager.widget
228 anywheresoftware.b4a
25 anywheresoftware.b4a.agraham.byteconverter
71 anywheresoftware.b4a.agraham.encryption
66 anywheresoftware.b4a.agraham.reflection
90 anywheresoftware.b4a.debug
280 anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords
13 anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.constants
1279 anywheresoftware.b4a.objects
89 anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.collections
110 anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.drawable
81 anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.streams
104 anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.usb
254 anywheresoftware.b4a.phone
152 anywheresoftware.b4a.randomaccessfile
30 anywheresoftware.b4a.remotelogger
101 anywheresoftware.b4a.shell
51 anywheresoftware.b4a.sql
65 anywheresoftware.b4h.okhttp
29 anywheresoftware.b4j.object
47 anywheresoftware.b4j.objects
161 b4a.example
121 bm.watscho.keyboard
319 com.afollestad.materialdialogs
142 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.color
17 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.commons
82 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.folderselector
96 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.internal
158 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.prefs
41 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.simplelist
32 com.afollestad.materialdialogs.util
1 com.android.sdklib
8 com.android.tools.lint.client.api
34 com.android.tools.lint.detector.api
83 com.astuetz
24 com.felhr.deviceids
444 com.felhr.usbserial
4 com.felhr.utils
62 com.friendlyarm.AndroidSDK
63 com.friendlyarm.FriendlyThings
1083 com.google.android.exoplayer2
378 com.google.android.exoplayer2.analytics
544 com.google.android.exoplayer2.audio
1 com.google.android.exoplayer2.core
18 com.google.android.exoplayer2.database
79 com.google.android.exoplayer2.decoder
351 com.google.android.exoplayer2.drm
16 com.google.android.exoplayer2.ext.rtmp
234 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor
28 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.amr
34 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.flac
50 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.flv
97 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.mkv
60 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.mp3
222 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.mp4
96 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.ogg
9 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.rawcc
353 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.ts
41 com.google.android.exoplayer2.extractor.wav
210 com.google.android.exoplayer2.mediacodec
53 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata
22 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.emsg
30 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.flac
35 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.icy
176 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.id3
77 com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.scte35
441 com.google.android.exoplayer2.offline
58 com.google.android.exoplayer2.scheduler
914 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source
102 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.ads
134 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.chunk
262 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.dash
160 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.dash.manifest
8 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.dash.offline
292 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.hls
8 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.hls.offline
142 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.hls.playlist
92 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.smoothstreaming
77 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.smoothstreaming.manifest
5 com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.smoothstreaming.offline
86 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text
148 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.cea
37 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.dvb
18 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.pgs
36 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.ssa
12 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.subrip
77 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.ttml
15 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.tx3g
114 com.google.android.exoplayer2.text.webvtt
370 com.google.android.exoplayer2.trackselection
611 com.google.android.exoplayer2.ui
70 com.google.android.exoplayer2.ui.spherical
432 com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream
312 com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache
19 com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.crypto
587 com.google.android.exoplayer2.util
292 com.google.android.exoplayer2.video
39 com.google.android.exoplayer2.video.spherical
44 com.google.devtools.build.android.desugar.runtime
15 com.google.protobuf
1 com.hoho.android.usbserial
137 com.hoho.android.usbserial.driver
29 com.hoho.android.usbserial.util
7 com.intellij.psi
1 com.intellij.psi.util
12 com.jcraft.jzlib
345 com.lmax.disruptor
17 com.lmax.disruptor.collections
86 com.lmax.disruptor.dsl
26 com.lmax.disruptor.util
26 com.wrapp.floatlabelededittext
113 de.amberhome.locale
198 de.amberhome.materialdialogs
4 default
75 flm.b4a.betterdialogs
87 flm.b4a.maskededittext
117 io.netty.bootstrap
2190 io.netty.buffer
1252 io.netty.channel
63 io.netty.channel.embedded
162 io.netty.channel.group
100 io.netty.channel.local
175 io.netty.channel.nio
76 io.netty.channel.oio
248 io.netty.channel.socket
146 io.netty.channel.socket.nio
244 io.netty.channel.socket.oio
320 io.netty.handler.codec
32 io.netty.handler.codec.base64
6 io.netty.handler.codec.bytes
175 io.netty.handler.codec.compression
856 io.netty.handler.codec.http
71 io.netty.handler.codec.http.cors
644 io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart
374 io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx
52 io.netty.handler.codec.marshalling
14 io.netty.handler.codec.protobuf
43 io.netty.handler.codec.rtsp
108 io.netty.handler.codec.serialization
590 io.netty.handler.codec.spdy
8 io.netty.handler.codec.string
34 io.netty.handler.logging
329 io.netty.handler.ssl
75 io.netty.handler.ssl.util
71 io.netty.handler.stream
77 io.netty.handler.timeout
92 io.netty.handler.traffic
285 io.netty.util
60 io.netty.util.collection
576 io.netty.util.concurrent
359 io.netty.util.internal
747 io.netty.util.internal.chmv8
259 io.netty.util.internal.logging
55 java.awt
13 java.awt.event
7 java.beans
346 java.io
554 java.lang
5 java.lang.management
12 java.lang.ref
53 java.lang.reflect
22 java.math
242 java.net
115 java.nio
98 java.nio.channels
6 java.nio.channels.spi
25 java.nio.charset
2 java.nio.file
3 java.rmi.registry
1 java.rmi.server
72 java.security
1 java.security.acl
33 java.security.cert
2 java.security.spec
36 java.sql
76 java.text
1 java.time
573 java.util
159 java.util.concurrent
68 java.util.concurrent.atomic
30 java.util.concurrent.locks
11 java.util.jar
24 java.util.logging
27 java.util.regex
49 java.util.zip
11 javassist
31 javax.crypto
4 javax.crypto.spec
23 javax.jms
14 javax.mail
11 javax.mail.internet
42 javax.management
1 javax.management.modelmbean
10 javax.management.remote
62 javax.naming
12 javax.naming.directory
2 javax.naming.spi
2 javax.net
139 javax.net.ssl
5 javax.security.auth
8 javax.security.auth.callback
4 javax.security.auth.login
1 javax.security.auth.x500
1 javax.security.cert
212 javax.servlet
241 javax.servlet.http
1 javax.sql
130 javax.swing
8 javax.swing.event
16 javax.swing.table
6 javax.swing.text
26 javax.swing.tree
2 javax.xml.bind
13 javax.xml.parsers
2 kotlin
6 kotlin.collections
1 kotlin.jvm.functions
5 kotlin.jvm.internal
2 kotlin.sequences
2 kotlin.text
235 me.zhanghai.android.materialprogressbar
28 me.zhanghai.android.materialprogressbar.internal
4 net.butterflytv.rtmp_client
779 okhttp3
66 okhttp3.internal
93 okhttp3.internal.cache
17 okhttp3.internal.cache2
75 okhttp3.internal.connection
91 okhttp3.internal.http
46 okhttp3.internal.http1
306 okhttp3.internal.http2
18 okhttp3.internal.io
95 okhttp3.internal.platform
3 okhttp3.internal.proxy
9 okhttp3.internal.publicsuffix
32 okhttp3.internal.tls
71 okhttp3.internal.ws
643 okio
772 org.HdrHistogram
23 org.apache.commons.codec
151 org.apache.commons.codec.binary
140 org.apache.commons.codec.digest
176 org.apache.commons.codec.language
168 org.apache.commons.codec.language.bm
86 org.apache.commons.codec.net
16 org.apache.commons.logging
624 org.apache.log4j
105 org.apache.log4j.chainsaw
31 org.apache.log4j.config
167 org.apache.log4j.helpers
23 org.apache.log4j.jdbc
74 org.apache.log4j.jmx
77 org.apache.log4j.lf5
88 org.apache.log4j.lf5.util
251 org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer
131 org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.categoryexplorer
45 org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.configure
206 org.apache.log4j.net
17 org.apache.log4j.nt
16 org.apache.log4j.or
2 org.apache.log4j.or.jms
2 org.apache.log4j.or.sax
176 org.apache.log4j.pattern
168 org.apache.log4j.spi
60 org.apache.log4j.varia
70 org.apache.log4j.xml
45 org.apache.tomcat.jni
1 org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500
1 org.bouncycastle.cert
4 org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce
1 org.bouncycastle.jce.provider
2 org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce
11 org.conscrypt
390 org.eclipse.jetty.client
30 org.eclipse.jetty.client.security
42 org.eclipse.jetty.client.webdav
59 org.eclipse.jetty.continuation
144 org.eclipse.jetty.deploy
27 org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.bindings
61 org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.graph
7 org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.jmx
50 org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers
4 org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.util
441 org.eclipse.jetty.http
51 org.eclipse.jetty.http.security
105 org.eclipse.jetty.http.ssl
418 org.eclipse.jetty.io
56 org.eclipse.jetty.io.bio
249 org.eclipse.jetty.io.nio
40 org.eclipse.jetty.jmx
87 org.eclipse.jetty.jndi
39 org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.java
36 org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.local
49 org.eclipse.jetty.nested
2 org.eclipse.jetty.npn
62 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.annotation
47 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jaas
20 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jaas.callback
68 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jaas.spi
36 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi
39 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.security
5 org.eclipse.jetty.plus.servlet
108 org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler
283 org.eclipse.jetty.security
157 org.eclipse.jetty.security.authentication
847 org.eclipse.jetty.server
35 org.eclipse.jetty.server.bio
475 org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler
9 org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.jmx
3 org.eclipse.jetty.server.jmx
108 org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio
338 org.eclipse.jetty.server.session
3 org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.jmx
162 org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl
389 org.eclipse.jetty.servlet
17 org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.api
6 org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.jmx
231 org.eclipse.jetty.servlets
575 org.eclipse.jetty.util
161 org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax
95 org.eclipse.jetty.util.component
99 org.eclipse.jetty.util.log
153 org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource
19 org.eclipse.jetty.util.security
20 org.eclipse.jetty.util.statistic
121 org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread
419 org.eclipse.jetty.webapp
457 org.eclipse.jetty.websocket
102 org.eclipse.jetty.xml
2 org.eclipse.moquette.commons
111 org.eclipse.moquette.parser.netty
8 org.eclipse.moquette.proto
119 org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages
30 org.eclipse.moquette.server
50 org.eclipse.moquette.server.netty
30 org.eclipse.moquette.server.netty.metrics
29 org.eclipse.moquette.spi
86 org.eclipse.moquette.spi.impl
27 org.eclipse.moquette.spi.impl.events
42 org.eclipse.moquette.spi.impl.security
7 org.eclipse.moquette.spi.impl.storage
69 org.eclipse.moquette.spi.impl.subscriptions
26 org.eclipse.moquette.spi.persistence
261 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3
218 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal
41 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.security
162 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.wire
72 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.logging
28 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.persist
21 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.util
10 org.ietf.jgss
14 org.jboss.marshalling
27 org.jetbrains.uast
1 org.jetbrains.uast.kotlin
2 org.jetbrains.uast.visitor
18 org.json
2022 org.mapdb
106 org.slf4j
167 org.slf4j.helpers
60 org.slf4j.impl
11 org.slf4j.spi
17 org.w3c.dom
26 org.xml.sax
1 org.xml.sax.helpers
34 org.xmlpull.v1
1245 pagamico.app.apk
43 pagamico.app.apk.designerscripts
46 serial
37 sun.misc
15 sun.security.x509
Anche questa soluzione è ok.sto provando con questa soluzione.
Come si fa a caricare un mp4 da locale in una webview ?
ww.LoadUrl("file://" & File.Combine(Dir, FileName))
Vai nel forum arabo allora. Comunque anche io so poco di HTML ma se cerchi su Google credo che trovi come inserire un video in HTML, anche solo guardando il sorgente HTML di qualche sito che fa qualcosa di simileGrazie,ma putroppo html per me è arabo
Io pensavo a un istruzione Embed ???B4X:ww.LoadUrl("file://" & File.Combine(Dir, FileName))
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Non era una domanda; voleva essere una battuta?
Embe'? E allora?
<embed src="example.mpeg" autostart="false" height="30" width="144" />
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