Is it possible to add comments to the B4xlib manifest file? I would like to store some information like which project the library came from, creation date etc. I may generate a b4xlib from 1 module in a large project and don't really want to create a new project for the purpose so it's obvious.
You can put comments in a XML file the same way as in HTML: <!-- comments -->
The comments can span multiple lines. You can't use 2 dashes -- in the comments.
The manifest editor (B4A) uses single quotes as comments and these comments don't appear in the manifest.xml file.
You can of course change the manifest.xml file yourself.
A B4X library is a simple zip file with the following structure:
• Code modules. All types are supported including Activities and Services.
• Files, including layout files.
• Optional manifest file with the following fields:
o Version
o Author
o DependsOn (list of required libraries), Supported Platforms. Fields can be shared
between the platforms or be platform specific.
o Comment: adds a comment to the library.
This comment will be shown in the Libraries Manager Tab.
Is it possible to add comments to the B4xlib manifest file? I would like to store some information like which project the library came from, creation date etc. I may generate a b4xlib from 1 module in a large project and don't really want to create a new project for the purpose so it's obvious.