Android Question Communicating with remote server


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I'am making an anti theft app.
the app must always contact my http server to get commands

I was using httpsultis and a timer ,each 3 mins to do http get and check my site for commamds.

but this method is so battery consuming on some phones it took about 25% of the battery

any other methods that is less batter hungry ? with keeping a 3 minutes refresh rate

all ideas are welcomed


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Using WebSockets might cut down on the bandwidth usage but I suspect the bulk of the battery draining isn't from powering the radio unnecessarily with the overhead of HTTP GET requests but rather that 3 minute refresh rates are preventing the CPU from entering sleep mode. But it can't hurt to try it and see if it improves battery performance.
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I also think, it is the timer that consume battery a lot.

Why not change timer to some action, for example when users clicked menu, app contact your server, etc.
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