I am new to B4A but have some experience with VB6. I can get connected with the Bluetooth but the serial example hangs with the last character in the menu. It was recommended to try async example. That worked for the menu but when requesting data the response was strange. Next it was recommended to use the bluetooth example which required a lot of changes. I think I have most of the issues resolved but I can not get past this Sub:
' Sub AStream_NewData => Moved to ServiceAStream
' and replaced by Sub NewMsgFromServiceAStream
' NEW - This Sub is called from ServiceAStream when new data is received
Sub NewMsgFromServiceAStream(Buffer() As Byte)
' The received message comes from the global variable MsgReceived from ServiceAStream
'LogMessage(BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8"))
'LogMessage("You", BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8"))
LogMessage("You", ServiceAStream.MsgReceived)
'LogMessage("You", ServiceAStream.MsgReceived)
End Sub
I need help! :sign0013::BangHead: