communication with Xbee Wifi


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello alls,

I need some help. I want to connect a Xbee Wifi to a samsung galaxy tab through wifi. the Xbee wifi is in ad hoc mode (SSID XBEEWIFI IP Is there a possibility to do that with Basic4android ?

Thank's for your help.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Hello alls,

I need some help. I want to connect a Xbee Wifi to a samsung galaxy tab through wifi. the Xbee wifi is in ad hoc mode (SSID XBEEWIFI IP Is there a possibility to do that with Basic4android ?

Better to ask on the Basic4Android forum; this is "Android Development Forum - Basic4android > Basic4ppc (Windows Mobile)" as it says at the top of the screen.

But Erel reads both forums so you may get an answer from him...

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