Hola Nedium:
para hacer webs vistosas lo mejor es como indicas ABMaterial o BANANO, pero me temo que no son sencillas de aprender, hay que tener ya algo de conocimientos de B4J (en en caso de ABMaterial) y además de CSS, Javascript.. para BANANO.
Me temo que no es tan fácil como hacerla en el diseñador de B4J y que se cree una web.
Además de lo que te indicaba el otro día en este
hilo, quizás esto facilite un poco el uso de BANANO,
WYSIWYG Web Builder (https://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/) is a cheap Website builder that makes it very easy to make your design. @Alejandro Moyano mentioned it in his post on his history with B4X. This gave me the idea that it could be used to program the logic of such a site using simple B4J...
O precisamente hoy AlwaysBusy, el creador de las dos librerías, está publicando algunos ejemplos para novatos:
Hi all, Since the lockdown everywhere, a lot of B4X users seem to want to learn ABM to make WebApps in B4J. That is great! :) However, some seem to struggle a lot to get started. I understand, as even opening up the template can be quite overwhelming with those Cache, Root, Page etc classes...
Hi, I'm trying to learn how to use ABM Material and it's taking a lot of effort because I don't really understand the basics to begin with. The examples in the tutorials seem "huge" to me, they all have a lot of files that I don't know if they are necessary or are there "just in case". Anyway...