Hola amigos de B4A, mi consulta es: Estoy desarrollado una app de Gimnasios y mi idea es que cuando una persona venga a querer pagar su abono el dueño del gimnasio lo haga atravesar de la app.
Mi idea es que cuando la transacción se haga, halla una opción de que el usuario apreté y mande un comprobante del pago atravesar de alguna de las app de mensajerías convencionales como WSP en formato PDF
Edit: FileProvider is included as an internal library now. After investigating several issues with the current FileProvider code that you can find in the forum, I decided to make some improvements and implement it in a class. Starting from Android 7 (API 24) you cannot directly share file uris...
Example was updated based on FileProvider class: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/class-fileprovider-share-files.97865/ See the above link if you are interested in sharing files from your app. This tutorial explains the steps required to implement a file picker that other applications...
I hope this help someone: Sub whatsappSend(mobile as string,msg as string) Dim sendIntent As Intent sendIntent.Initialize(sendIntent.ACTION_MAIN,"") sendIntent.PutExtra("jid",mobile & "@s.whatsapp.net") sendIntent.Action=sendIntent.ACTION_SEND...
This is an Android 4.4+ (API 19+) library. Its two main features are: 1. Creating Pdf documents with the PdfDocument object. 2. Printing with the Printer object. Lets start with PdfDocument. Dim pdf As PdfDocument pdf.Initialize pdf.StartPage(595, 842) 'A4 size pdf.Canvas.DrawLine(2, 2, 593...