Hello, everyone i was wondering if anyone could help me out with this, i have two different lists, list1 has about 30 items in it, and list2 has about 75 items in it, what i need to do is compare the items from list1 and if item1 is found in list2 then extract the the name of the item on list2, and so on......
hope i'm making sense!
A very simple code that I know it will give you a clue:
Dim List1, List2 as List
For I = 0 To 30
List1.Add("Item " & I)
For I = 0 To 75
List2.Add("Item " & I)
For I = 0 To List1.Size - 1
If List2.IndexOf(List1.Get(I)) > -1 Then
Msgbox("Found in position " & I, "")
End If
Hi not sure if this is what you are looking for, just run 1 loop inside another the outer gets an item from list1 then the inner compares it to all of the items in list2, if there is a match then do whatever action you want then the outer loop gets the next item in list1 and does the check all over again.
Dim SearchString As String
For x = 0 To list1.Size - 1
SearchString = list1.Get(x)
For y = 0 To list2.Size - 1
If SearchString = list2.Get(y) Then
'do some action on the item
list2.RemoveAt(y) 'removes the item
'or add to a new list
End If