I have an app that I have tested on 3 devices, 2 with android 2.2 and one with 3.0. My emulator is set for 2.2. It does not work as intended on 3.0, works fine on 2.2.
My questions is vague but basic, I guess I have missed some fundamentals.
But please give it a try
1. Could it be that my compile level is wrong, remember it works on 2.2.
2. How do I set the compile level, is it by making an emulator for 3.0?
3. If I compile for 3.0, will an 2.2 user have problems?
4. I thought I was supposed to set the "lowest" API level possible to target as many users as possible, isn't that the way to do it?
5. Does my suspicion regarding compile level seem off?
6. The app contains a service that I start with StartServiceAt, and this service plays a sound with the mediaplayer. Have anybody had problems with similar in android 3.0.