In v1.80 there are no "Include debug info" and "Attach debug" options. If you click the debug icon in the IDE to turn it off it just gets turned back on next time.
In v1.80 there are no "Include debug info" and "Attach debug" options. If you click the debug icon in the IDE to turn it off it just gets turned back on next time.
Can I compile the file without running? I just want the APK on my computer so I can distribute it. I'm using version 1.8 and I've selected release at the top but in the project I only have Compile and Run or Compile without signing, surely though I need to sign it (with the private key I've set)?!
I am using version 1.92 (registered). I have tried all types of compile and none of them are creating the APK file. I'am running with the release setup.
The Objects directory online contains AndroidManifest.xml and classes.dex, no .APK file anywhere.
It has to be in the Objects folder, make sure you have connected a device/emulator. If your package name has a space in it it the apk will not be called after your package, it is called 'result_DEBUG.apk'.
And even without a device or emulator connected you can press the ´run´ button. You will ofcourse get an error that no device is connected but the compiled apk file can be found in the Objects directory.
Hi Mike,
Just for your information.
The selection of the compile mode was in the beginning in the Project menu.
In B4A version 1.8 it moved to a drop down listbox in the menu toolbar.
This move confused some users.