i have a map and i put inside mediaplayer objects to play sound.
if i want to get back the mediaplayer with an id i get an error when i compile:
B4i Version: 6.80
Parsing code. (0.07s)
Building folders structure. (0.09s)
Compiling code. (0.19s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Compiling debugger engine code. (0.01s)
Building Xcode project (0.12s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
B4i line: 25
Dim mp As MediaPlayer = mpMap.Get(id)
expected expression
this is the code:
If mpMap.ContainsKey(id) Then
Dim mp As MediaPlayer = mpMap.Get(id)
If mp.IsInitialized Then
End If
End If
i managed to compile it in debug mode by comment those lines then uncomment them and click save and it works just fine but i am not able to compile without this trick, why?