Compiled EXE is not working on HP iPAQ214


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The compiled EXE file on the above PDA is not working and showing message:

"Error loading Program

iPAQ214 having 128MB RAM, 256MB ROM

And EXE size is 1.51MB

what is the probable cause ?



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Hi Erel,

We didn't try, cause it has been designed fro a large screen of iPAQ214.
I attached the code for you having 44 Forms and off course controls.



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Does the project files work on the device ide?
Are you sure you are using the correct device dll's? just before compilation, try to remove the desktop version of the dlls, just to be safe....
Are ALL those global var really needed or need to be globals?
My device specs are almost the same as the IPaq, so if you provide the missing images, I can have a run at it, and feedback to you...
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For each form Basic4ppc creates a bitmap in the same size of the form.
This bitmap is used for all the custom drawings (graphics are double buffered).
Your application includes many large forms and this is most probably the problem.

As far as I see you are not using any graphics feature in your application.

Please download the attached file, unzip it and copy CEnhancedForm.cs to C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\Basic4ppc Desktop\Tzor
First rename the existing CEnhancedForm.cs file to a different file as a backup.

Now when you'll compile your application (optimized compiler only) those bitmaps will not be created and the memory footprint will be much smaller.


    3.4 KB · Views: 213


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Hi Cableguy and Erel,

It didn't run on the device IDE, same message was shown. I downloaded the CEnhancedForm.cs and did as per the suggestion, it works now. The resolution on the desktop was in compliance with the HPiPAQ214 but on the device the screens appear with distorted form. What could be the probable problem ?



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Hi Erel,

I attached a screenshot of the desktop, do you need the same from device ? I'm not sure how to get the same from the device.



  • Screenshot.JPG
    66.2 KB · Views: 250


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On the device all controls are squeezed and shown in small size at the left upper corner of the device screen. what we noticed, when we change the screen size in design mode to 640 X 480 the relation between control size and font size is lost ! for example : on the desktop the word "kamlapur" shown in a label with fontsize=15 and width=95, but on the device we need width=260 to show the same word in fontsize=15.

One other observation, changing fontsize only changes the text of the radiobutton, not the circle itself and endup with larger radiobutton than desired.

Another observation, the application on the device IDE runs OK with controls having proper size and appearance the problem is with the compiled EXE. I attached the calendar snapshot from the device EXE.

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You must keep in mind that the Font's must be resised when using ga qvga font 9 <=> vga font 5
It will still be redable....
Plus are you using a vga enabled ROM? if not then you need to...another thing to do is to copy and rename a ****mui file acording with your exe name...the mui file is a "config" file wich tell the device the screen resolution to use with a particular app...
Again, if the images caould be posted, I could have a go at it in my Universal...
I already have a VGA enabled ROM, so I could give you proper feedback


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I attached the image file for you. what is the utility to know whether the ROM is VGA enable or not ?

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mozaharul, I need an empty database for your app....please...


1st Feedback
The app is VERY slow to load on the IDE, about 30 secs to 1 min...
I compiled in Optimized mode, using EREL's moded CEnhancedForm.cs file, and I've managed to run it in the device..
It also takes a lot of time to load, just about the same as with the IDE....
Atached are two images, the first from the IDE RUN, The other from the compiled exe execution...

As you can see there significant diference in between the two of them.
The main reason is that the exe is using the VGA screen as such, but the IDE doesn't, as it was designed to work only in 240x320 screens...
Perhaps you can try to redraw you forms in order to make them fit better, as I feel they are just a couple of 50 or 100 pixels too large...(remeber that even a 240x320 screen is NOT 240x320 wide)

If you want I can post both the VGA enabling cabs as well as the altered mui order for you to do your own tests on the client device...
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Hi Paulo and Erel,

Thank you both very much for your valuable time.

For Paulo, I attached the database (not fully empty) and its not real data.
Erel, I’ll try to implement the new library and will come back to you.



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using ControlsExDevice.dll for VGA enabled calendar

Hi Erel,

I had a look at the VGA alternative for the calendar control. As a beginner I didn't see a way to use the output of the VGA alternative (calendar) as I was used to with the 'normal' calendar control.



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Hi agraham,

By the line : dtp.New1("Form11", 95,20, 255) 'dtp is DateTiemPicker
I can add DateTiemPicker on the Form and it appears OK in the device EXE , but how to add a DateTiemPicker on a Panel of tabpage ?
