Thanks for the prompt and helpful responses guys.
So ghale, the best bet for emulation is a Microsoft bolt-on! My device is an Ipaq H2210 running PPC 2003, but I guess that B4P produces code that runs on pretty much anything, so the WM6.5 emulator is still valid. I have to say that my experiences with using Microsoft stuff is not impressive (except VS 6.0 which was great), everything is just so complex, a major reason I was attracted to B4P! What are the pros and cons of the two options?
Thanks also to klaus and Cableguy, seems I was expecting too much :-( . Good idea to use ActiveSync to transfer the stuff automatically, and I'll take a look at SetupBuilder in due course, but right now I'm just trying to find my feet!
As background, we're going green, and the application is to build a simple PPC-based (low power) graphical MMI front-end for an Arduino mega which I use to capture rainwater level, solar heating and wood boiler temperature data.
Thanks again all for your help, at least there was a good reason why I couldn't find what I was looking for!