Sorry about that Erel, obviously my cut and paste job failed.
So here's the scoop... launched B4A with an existing project, and connected via WiFi to the bridge; no problem.
I then launched the designer for my project... again, no problem.
Next, from the
WYSIWYG Designer menu, I tried to connect to my device, and received the following error message...
So, going back to the B4A IDE, I selected
Run AVD Manager from the
Tools menu and was hit with an error telling me to configure my paths (and since I was already there, I tried to
Restart ADB Server, but failed there as well).
Looking at my
Path Configuration, I found a problem pretty quickly.
Clicking on
browse for my
android.jar entry showed me that the path "C:\Android\platforms\android-8\" no longer exists on my machine... logically, that's where the missing file(s) would have been. I have already attempted sevral solutions, but none were correct. Rather than posting all those failed attempts, I figured it would be wiser to simply leave this post clean and wait for an answer from someone who actually knows.