Hi, I opened a new thread because the old thread title can make confusion...
finally I made the connection from a winCE PDA using in SQL 2008 the main instance and installing on the device the proper SQLClient CAB.
But, after doing the last operation, now I see the connection, but I get this error message:
An error occured on sub _mainmodule_app_start.
The database file is locked
database is locked
This is my sub app_start, I think is related to the table rilevazioni that is onboard the device (is a sqllite table)
Infact, my program uses a local table to store data, that are transferred to the remote (network) sql at the user wish.
If I comment the lines regarding this local table, everything works, but this cannot be the desidered functionality.
Any idea about this error?
finally I made the connection from a winCE PDA using in SQL 2008 the main instance and installing on the device the proper SQLClient CAB.
But, after doing the last operation, now I see the connection, but I get this error message:
An error occured on sub _mainmodule_app_start.
The database file is locked
database is locked
This is my sub app_start, I think is related to the table rilevazioni that is onboard the device (is a sqllite table)
Infact, my program uses a local table to store data, that are transferred to the remote (network) sql at the user wish.
If I comment the lines regarding this local table, everything works, but this cannot be the desidered functionality.
Any idea about this error?
Sub App_Start
' leggiamo il numero del terminalino
' leggo dal file di testo i parametri per comporre la stringa di connessione al db remoto
If FileExist ("param.txt") = True Then
FileOpen (c1,"Param.txt",cRead ,, cASCII)
r = FileRead (c1)
Do Until r = EOF
Select SubString (r,0,3)
Case "NUM"
numterm = SubString (r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "LOT"
gestlotti = SubString (r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "SVA"
svart = SubString (r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "UBI"
gestubi = SubString (r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "SVR"
SVR = SubString (r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "USR"
USR = SubString (r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "PWD"
PWD = SubString (""&r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "DBN"
DBN = SubString (""&r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "AZI"
AZI = SubString (""&r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "MAG"
MAG = SubString (""&r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
Case "SER"
SER = SubString (""&r,3,StrLength (r)-3)
End Select
r = FileRead (c1)
FileClose (c1)
End If
If SVR <> "NO" Then
'apro la connessione con il db remoto
stringaconn="Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=False;Server="&SVR &",1433;initial catalog=" &DBN &";user id="&USR &";password="&PWD&";"
' stringaconn="Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;initial catalog=" &DBN &";user id="&USR &";password="&PWD&";"
' Msgbox(stringaconn)
If Sql1.Open(stringaconn) Then
LblDb.Visible = True
LblDb.Width = 230
LblDb.Text = "Server: "&SVR&":1433 - DB: "&DBN&" ("&AZI&")"
' Msgbox("Conessione al DB Stabilita con Successo!!!","My First Program",cMsgboxYesNo,cMsgboxHand)
' Msgbox("Impossibile Connettersi al DB!!!",progname,cMsgboxYesNo,cMsgboxHand)
' Msgbox(sql1.LastError,"")
Msgbox("Impossibile Connettersi al DB!!!")
End If
End If
label15.Text=label15.Text&" "&numterm
' riempiamo il combobox dell'operatore
CmbOpe.Add ("...")
CmbOpe.Add ("1")
CmbOpe.Add ("2")
CmbOpe.Add ("3")
CmbOpe.Add ("4")
CmbOpe.Add ("5")
CmbOpe.Add ("6")
CmbOpe.Add ("7")
CmbOpe.Add ("8")
CmbOpe.Add ("9")
'nascondiamo il combo operatore
'nascondiamo la label export
' verifichiamo se esiste la tabella
Command1.CommandText = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name='t_rilevazioni'"
Reader1.Value = Command1.ExecuteReader
If Reader1.ReadNextRow = False Then
' No table with this name in the database.
' Create one.
If gestlotti="NO" Then
Command1.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE t_rilevazioni (Id STRING PRIMARY KEY,Barcode STRING,Qta STRING,Ubi STRING,Seriale STRING)"
Command1.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE t_rilevazioni (Id STRING PRIMARY KEY,Barcode STRING,Lotto STRING,Qta STRING,Ubi STRING,Seriale STRING)"
End If
' Command1.CommandText = "DROP TABLE t_rilevazioni"
' Command1.ExecuteNonQuery
End If
End Sub