B4J Question Confusion about Java version


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I realize I'm a bit confused, sorry for this stupid question ....
In the develope machine where I have installed B4J, I have downloaded OpenJdk-11 in c:\Java folder. Then I declare the Java.exe path inside B4J and I start develope a non-UI app.
Then I compile my sample.jar and transfer it in a folder of the destination computer (Windows). In the same folder I have a batch that call "java -jar sample.jar" and everything works.
But wich java version is using my app in the destination computer ? The original OpenJDK-11 or that one it is found in the computer and declared in the path of environment variable ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
But wich java version is using my app in the destination computer ?
When you install java in window usually the latest is going to be the default one. Open a command prompt and write java -version, to get the default are that is being used. This is when you simply compile and share the jar.

If you build your project with the internal packager then you are using your jdk of the development machine
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Yes, I saw discrepance using Java-version and then wrote here.
I'll try the standalone package, thanks guys.
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