Android Question Connect to Web Service - failed to connect


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Hi All,
My first post in a few years...

My B4A app is failing to connect to our web service. ResponseError: Unable to resolve host "sav-app1": No address associated with hostname.

I started with the first Dim in the Process_Globals and then tried the 2nd Dim, and it fails with a time out: ResponseError: "failed to connect to /" (port 80), after 30000ms, Response:

Where the A5W is Alpha 5 Anywhere web service on our DMZ and it returns JSON formatted data no problem; in a browser and in a desktop app called Postman.
The tablet is connecting to the web service via WiFi in the office.

Is the URL format correct?
If not, what are my options of defining the URL so that B4A app will submit to the web service correctly?
What needs to be changed?

Mark Stuart
(Palace Entertainment)

Activity Code:
Sub Process_Globals
    ' As you can see the web service is expecting an argument and value:
    Dim ParkUsersLink As String = "http://SAV-APP1/Palace/GetParkUsers.A5W?LocCode="
    'Dim ParkUsersLink As String = ""
End Sub

Sub btnFetchParkUsers_Click
    GetParkUsersJSON(txtLocCode.Text)    'user input value = 703
End Sub

Sub GetParkUsersJSON (LocCode As String)
    ProgressDialogShow("Fetching User JSON list...")
    'ExecuteParkUsersList("SELECT UserID,UserName,Password,SecGroup FROM Users ORDER BY UserID",LocCode)
End Sub

Sub ExecuteParkUsersList(Query As String,LocCode As String)
    Dim Job As HttpJob
End Sub                             '<== finishes here and then finally runs Sub JobDone after timing out

Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
    If Job.Success Then
        ProgressDialogShow("Inserting Users into SQL table...")
        Dim res As String
        res = Job.GetString
        Log("Response from server: " & res)
        Dim parser As JSONParser
        Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
        Dim items As List = root.Get("items")
        For Each colitems As Map In items
            Dim UserName As String = colitems.Get("UserName")
            Dim UserID As String = colitems.Get("UserID")
            Dim SecGroup As String = colitems.Get("SecGroup")
            Dim Password As String = colitems.Get("Password")
            'insert to sqlite table: ParkUsers
                Main.conn.ExecNonQuery("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ParkUsers (UserID, UserName, Password, SecGroup) VALUES (" & _
                    UserID & "," & UserName & "," & Password & "," & SecGroup & ")")
                Log(LastException.Message)            '<== goes directly here after starting this code
            End Try
        ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage,True)
    End If
End Sub


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Thanx for the reply. Tomorrow we'll look into getting the firewall set and get it tested.

Can I make the assumption that the 2nd argument on the job.PostString is optional?
If so, then our Query will work.
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