B4J Question (Connected Components Labeling) - Java class to b4x.

Eme Fibonacci

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I tried to create my own code "Connected Components Labeling". I didn't have success.
This is useful for detecting different images within an image.
You can read more about here:

Then I found this code here:
I don't know java enough to convert.
Please, if you have a bit time can you convert it from java to b4x?
Thank you.

import java.awt.*;

* Use row-by-row labeling algorithm to label connected components
* The algorithm makes two passes over the image: one pass to record
* equivalences and assign temporary labels and the second to replace each
* temporary label by the label of its equivalence class.
* [Reference]
* Linda G. Shapiro, Computer Vision: Theory and Applications. (3.4 Connected
* Components Labeling)
* Rosenfeld and Pfaltz (1966)
public class ConnectComponent
final int MAX_LABELS= 80000;
int next_label = 1;

* label and re-arrange the labels to make the numbers of label continous
* @param zeroAsBg Leaving label 0 untouched
public int[] compactLabeling(int[] image, Dimension d, boolean zeroAsBg)
//label first
int[] label= labeling(image,d,zeroAsBg);
int[] stat= new int[next_label+1];
for (int i=0;i<image.length;i++) {
if (label>next_label)
System.err.println("bigger label than next_label found!");

stat[0]=0; // label 0 will be mapped to 0
// whether 0 is background or not
int j = 1;
for (int i=1; i<stat.length; i++) {
if (stat!=0) stat=j++;

System.out.println("From "+next_label+" to "+(j-1)+" regions");
next_label= j-1;
for (int i=0;i<image.length;i++) label= stat[label];
return label;

* return the max label in the labeling process.
* the range of labels is [0..max_label]
public int getMaxLabel() {return next_label;}

* Label the connect components
* If label 0 is background, then label 0 is untouched;
* If not, label 0 may be reassigned
* [Requires]
* 0 is treated as background
* @param image data
* @param d dimension of the data
* @param zeroAsBg label 0 is treated as background, so be ignored
public int[] labeling(int[] image, Dimension d, boolean zeroAsBg)
int w= d.width, h= d.height;
int[] rst= new int[w*h];
int[] parent= new int[MAX_LABELS];
int[] labels= new int[MAX_LABELS];
// region label starts from 1;
// this is required as union-find data structure
int next_region = 1;
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y ){
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x ){
if (image[y*w+x] == 0 && zeroAsBg) continue;
int k = 0;
boolean connected = false;
// if connected to the left
if (x > 0 && image[y*w+x-1] == image[y*w+x]) {
k = rst[y*w+x-1];
connected = true;
// if connected to the up
if (y > 0 && image[(y-1)*w+x]== image[y*w+x] &&
(connected = false || image[(y-1)*w+x] < k )) {
k = rst[(y-1)*w+x];
connected = true;
if ( !connected ) {
k = next_region;

if ( k >= MAX_LABELS ){
System.err.println("maximum number of labels reached. " +
"increase MAX_LABELS and recompile." );
rst[y*w+x]= k;
// if connected, but with different label, then do union
if ( x> 0 && image[y*w+x-1]== image[y*w+x] && rst[y*w+x-1]!= k )
uf_union( k, rst[y*w+x-1], parent );
if ( y> 0 && image[(y-1)*w+x]== image[y*w+x] && rst[(y-1)*w+x]!= k )
uf_union( k, rst[(y-1)*w+x], parent );

// Begin the second pass. Assign the new labels
// if 0 is reserved for background, then the first available label is 1
next_label = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++ ) {
if (image!=0 || !zeroAsBg) {
rst = uf_find( rst, parent, labels );
// The labels are from 1, if label 0 should be considered, then
// all the label should minus 1
if (!zeroAsBg) rst--;
next_label--; // next_label records the max label
if (!zeroAsBg) next_label--;

System.out.println(next_label+" regions");

return rst;
void uf_union( int x, int y, int[] parent)
while ( parent[x]>0 )
x = parent[x];
while ( parent[y]>0 )
y = parent[y];
if ( x != y ) {
if (x<y)
parent[x] = y;
else parent[y] = x;

* This function is called to return the root label
* Returned label starts from 1 because label array is inited to 0 as first
* [Effects]
* label array records the new label for every root
int uf_find( int x, int[] parent, int[] label)

while ( parent[x]>0 )
x = parent[x];
if ( label[x] == 0 )
label[x] = next_label++;
return label[x];
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