Android Question Consuming a Web Service


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I have searched for, and read as many threads as I can, but I am obviously missing something:

Given the following WSDL, how do I use the HttpUtils2 to as an example, request a list of customer via GetCustomerList?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Generated by JAX-WS RI at RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.2.4-b01. -->
<definitions targetNamespace="ccos" name="CCOSService" xmlns="" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:tns="ccos" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsp1_2="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsam="" xmlns:wsu="">
  <import namespace="http://bbjgenerated/" location="CCOS.wsdl"/>
  <binding name="CCOSServicePortBinding" type="ns1:CCOS" xmlns:ns1="http://bbjgenerated/">
  <soap:binding transport="" style="document"/>
  <operation name="getOrderDetail">
  <soap:operation soapAction="getOrderDetail"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <operation name="getInStockItems">
  <soap:operation soapAction="getInStockItems"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <operation name="getCustomerList">
  <soap:operation soapAction="getCustomerList"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <operation name="getOrderHeader">
  <soap:operation soapAction="getOrderHeader"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <operation name="login">
  <soap:operation soapAction="login"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <operation name="placeOrder">
  <soap:operation soapAction="placeOrder"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <operation name="getOrders">
  <soap:operation soapAction="getOrders"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <soap:body use="literal"/>
  <service name="CCOSService">
  <port name="CCOSServicePort" binding="tns:CCOSServicePortBinding">
  <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/>


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OK, maybe the issue isn't my syntax. Although I am still wondering if that is correct.. However I just noticed that if I look at the Job on JobDone, I can see the following errormessage

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://localhost:8888 refused

What could be the cause of this? I can browse to that address fine (And it is on my computer)
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Nope, physical device, Asus Transformer. Although that does probably mean I should be using the actual IP address of my computer where the web server is running?
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Ok, I bet that is it, hard to think that a device connected physically to my computer, needs permissions.

On the other part of my question, how would I format the request ?
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Erel I have discovered that I can create a jar file from the development environment that is being used to create the Web Service, so I was hoping to be able to use this, and the new AdditionalJar and JavaObject functionality, to access the service. But although I went over your tutorial on Picasso, I cant figure out what syntax I need to use. Ihave attached the jar file


  • emeraldweb.jar
    12.4 KB · Views: 194
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This is how I am trying to access the classes.

Per the documentation for the development language


B4A: #AdditionalJar: EmeraldWeb

2. Instantiate the service class. The service class is one
of two classes in the package and has the name
<Service Name>+"Service".

 Dim service,port As JavaObject

port = service.RunMethodJO("getCCOSServicePort",Null)

Then I try to use one of the Methods


However I am getting an error on the first statement

 Dim service,port As JavaObject

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: EmeraldWeb$CCOSServiceService

I have confirmed that the namespace is lower case ccos, so I assume I have some issue with my naming?
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