Hi, I don't know if it will be possible, I show the user a question to "Print (yes/no)" and they leave the application on that screen and go away, then they come back and during se time the screen was turned off by Android.
They press the home button and the screen is shown again but the message asking "Print (yes/no)" is gone.
Is it possible that the message asking is not lost?
Thank you very much.
Msgbox2Async("Print (yes/no)","Warning","Yes","","No",Null,False)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
1) Move the prompt into a sub-routine
2) In the new sub (that does the prompt), set a global flag to true before asking the prompt. And when the user answers the prompt, set that global flag to false.
3) In the Activity_Resume sub, check to see if this flag is set to true and if so, call the sub routine that displays the prompt.
Sub AskPromptSub
AskPrompt = True 'set flag
Msgbox2Async("Print (yes/no)","Warning","Yes","","No",Null,False)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result <> DialogResponse.CANCEL then 'make sure flag is not cleared unless user answers yes or no (or handle this situation differently)
AskPrompt = False 'clear flag
end if
If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
If AskPrompt = True
End if
End Sub