Please bear with me, I am a complete novice with B4A.
A few months back, after lookimg at a lot of samples, I designed an app that shows a numeric keypad, and using asyncstreams over bluetooth, transmits a number corresponding to the key that was pressed.
Now, I would like to implement the same thing, but with Wifi. On the reception side, I'll probably use an ESP8266 serial to Wifi module. I feel fairly confident of writing the code for the ESP8266.
So, how do I go about it on the Android? For starters, what would be used in place of asyncstreams? I suspect it would be httputils, but I have absolutely no idea where to start.
I can probably make it happen using a browser, but I'd like to create an app that has my custom buttons, and an interface designed in the abstract designer.
Any pointers would be highly appreciated!