iOS Question Convert code from b4a to b4i or b4xpages


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Hello. i have buy a license for b4i, because i would like make my app avaible for ios too.

The first problem, that i find is create a timer that work on background too.

This is the b4a project that wirk perfectly
it use services, that on b4i and b4xpages don t exists and use a txt file for write the start time (mysafedir, that i dont know how to use it on b4i and p4x)

suggestion, ideas, code, example, sample, are welcome.

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Since B4XPages are never paused, I think you can use the timers inside them, without any problem and without the need for a service.

Just try a test project.
i have create this b4xpage project for b4i,
but now the csBuilde don t work as i want


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