Android Question Convert HEX in ASCII


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Is there any function that can convert hex 15e in 30 31 35 3E ?
I tried to use:
dim val as string     '15e
Log(bc.HexFromBytes (bc.StringToBytes(val,"UTF8")))
but the result is : 313565


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Thank you emexes .... you saved me a lot of time. Before you sent me the code I spent 2 days in front of computer with no results. Your code is amazing.
Now i don't know what goes wrong. I'm digging the rest of the protocol communication ... i hope the rest of think will go smooth.
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"What could possibly go wrong?!?!" is my usual positive refrain when we're getting close to a solution and everything seems to be working like it should... usually it's closely followed by being bitten from behind by an alligator I didn't see coming....

So: you're not alone.

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Licensed User
The way that I received incoming packets was with a buffer (ideally large enough to hold the longest packet possible, and at least large enough to hold the longest packet that I need to receive) and putptr of where the next received byte goes in that buffer, and a state, where:

state 0 = waiting for the sync byte (first byte of the packet), and then when we get that:
state 1 = receiving the fixed-size packet header
state 2 = receiving the variable-size payload/data
state 3 = receiving the fixed-size packet "tailer" (or whatever the opposite of header is)

and a count of how many bytes are still to be received when in state 1, 2 or 3. When that count reaches zero, then we move on to the next state. If we receive invalid bytes (eg, if we're in state 2 receiving data, and we get a byte less than 0x20) then clearly the packet is invalid and we just move back to state 0 and wait for the next packet.

so the code looks something like (I'm just banging this out, so there is *no* way it will work first go)

    dim rxbuffer(bigenough)
    rxstate = 0

sub handlerx( rxchar )

    if rxstate = 0 then
        if rxchar = syncbyte then
            rxbuffer(0) = rxchar
            rxputptr = 1    'sync at 0, next byte goes here
            rxmoretocome = 5    'remainder of header (already got sync byte)
            rxstate = 1    'let's get this show on the road...
            'noise on line, or idle sync or keep-alive, or remainder of previous invalid packet
        end if
        buffer(rxputptr) = rxchar
        rxputptr = rxputptr + 1
        rxmoretocome = rxmoretocome - 1

        select case rxstate
            case 1:    'receiving header
                if rxmoretocome = 0 then
                    if header-looks-good then
                        datastartsat = rxputptr    'save this rather than recalculate it later
                        rxmoretocome = (buffer(3) - 0x20) - 2    'LEN but 2 already received as part of header
                        rxstate = 2
                        rxstate = 0    'packet bad - log it?
                    end if
                end if

            case 2:    'receiving payload
                if rxchar < 0x20 then  
                    rxstate = 0    'packet bad - log it?
                else if rxmoretocome = 0 then
                     dataendsat = rxputptr - 1
                     tailerstartsat = rxputptr
                     rxmoretocome = 6    'size of tailer
                     rsstate = 3
                end if

            case 3:    'receiving tailer
                if rxmoretocome = 0 then
                    if tailer-looks-good then
                        checksum = checksum(rxbuffer(), 1, tailerstartsat) then    'checksum excludes first byte, includes first byte of tailer
                        checksumstartsat = tailerstartsat + 1    'iirc, tailer had an extra byte between data and checksum
                        okflag = true
                        for i = 0 to 3
                            if rxbuffer(checksumstartsat + i) <> checksum(i) then
                                okflag = false
                            end if
                        next i

                        if okflag then
                            'we have a valid packet, payload/data is in rxbuffer at datastartsat..dataendsat
                        end if
                    end if

                    rxstate = 0    'regardless of whether tailer/checksum are good or bad
                end if

            case else:
                'wtf, who's clobbering my variables?!?!

         end select
    end if

end sub
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Licensed User
If the protocol is half-duplex, then it can be simpler to have a state 4 = valid packet received and in buffer, which the main program checks regularly and, if it finds a packet waiting, processes it and then sets state = 0 to reenable the receiving process

    end if
else if rxstate = 4 then
    'not expecting to receive anything until main program has handled previous packet and requested more
    buffer(rxputptr) = rxchar


                if okflag then
                    rxstate = 4    'we have a valid packet, payload/data is in rxbuffer at datastartsat..dataendsat
                end if
            end if

            if rxstate <> 4 then    'if we didn't mark packet as good
                rxstate = 0    'then it must have been bad
            end if
        end if

    case else:
        'wtf, who's clobbering my variables?!?!

end select
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Very nice.
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