I use the following code from @klaus to convert an image to black and white but some definition is missing around the edges of the image to black, is there any way to improve it?
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Public Sub BlackAndWhite (Image As B4XBitmap, Threshold As Int) As B4XBitmap
Private x, y, Mean, BWCol As Int
Private col0, col1 As ARGBColor
Private bmcImage, bmcResult As BitmapCreator
bmcImage.Initialize(Image.Width, Image.Height)
bmcResult.Initialize(Image.Width, Image.Height)
For y = 0 To Image.Height -1
For x = 0 To Image.Width -1
bmcImage.GetARGB(x, y, col0)
' col1.a = col0.a
Mean = (col0.r + col0.g + col0.b) / 3
If Mean > Threshold Then
BWCol = 255
BWCol = 0
End If
col1.a = 255
col1.r = BWCol
col1.g = BWCol
col1.b = BWCol
bmcResult.SetARGB(x, y, col1)
Return bmcResult.Bitmap
End Sub