I searched on "convert latitude string" and found nothing comparable so here's my contribution.
If there is a built in function somewhere or a more elegant way to do this then hit the [Reply] button.
I am in the process of porting a B4A app to B4I.
One of the many differences I have found is in the area of defining GPS locations.
In B4A you can use Location.Initialize2(latitude, longitude), the documentation saying:
Initialize2 (Latitude As String, Longitude As String)
Initializes the location object with the given Latitude and Longitude.
Values can be formatted in any of the three formats:
Degrees: [+-]DDD.DDDDD
Minutes: [+-]DDD:MM.MMMMM (Minute = 1 / 60 of a degree)
Seconds: [+-]DDD:MM:SS.SSSSS (Second = 1 / 3600 of a degree)
Dim L1 As Location
L1.Initialize2("45:30:30", "45:20:15")
Being able to enter latitudes and longitudes as strings of a non-numeric nature is very handy, particularly if (as in my app) they are coming from external configuration file/s that may have been hand generated.
In B4I you use Location.Initialize2(latitude, longitude) again (at least the names of the methods match), but the documentation now says:
Initialize2 (Latitude As Double, Longitude As Double)
Creates a new Location object that can be used for distance calculations.
So, in your porting you either have to go back and change your external configuration file/s
Maybe use this bit of code:
I have only used this in B4I but there is no reason I can see why it would not work, unaltered, in B4A - although the need escapes me.
Happy coding...
If there is a built in function somewhere or a more elegant way to do this then hit the [Reply] button.
I am in the process of porting a B4A app to B4I.
One of the many differences I have found is in the area of defining GPS locations.
In B4A you can use Location.Initialize2(latitude, longitude), the documentation saying:
Initialize2 (Latitude As String, Longitude As String)
Initializes the location object with the given Latitude and Longitude.
Values can be formatted in any of the three formats:
Degrees: [+-]DDD.DDDDD
Minutes: [+-]DDD:MM.MMMMM (Minute = 1 / 60 of a degree)
Seconds: [+-]DDD:MM:SS.SSSSS (Second = 1 / 3600 of a degree)
Dim L1 As Location
L1.Initialize2("45:30:30", "45:20:15")
Being able to enter latitudes and longitudes as strings of a non-numeric nature is very handy, particularly if (as in my app) they are coming from external configuration file/s that may have been hand generated.
In B4I you use Location.Initialize2(latitude, longitude) again (at least the names of the methods match), but the documentation now says:
Initialize2 (Latitude As Double, Longitude As Double)
Creates a new Location object that can be used for distance calculations.
So, in your porting you either have to go back and change your external configuration file/s
Maybe use this bit of code:
'This procedure converts a latitude/longitude string to a double
'Input parameters are:
' Lat_long_string = latitude/longitude string, in any of following formats:
' Numeric equivalent, as a Double
'Notes on this procedure:
' o None
Private Sub Util_convert_lat_long(Lat_long_string As String) As Double
Private wrk_sign, wrk_DD, wrk_MM, wrk_SS As Double
Private wrk_ptr As Int
Lat_long_string = Lat_long_string.Trim
'Sign stuff has to be done this way to handle cases such as -0:MM.MMMMM,
'-:MM.MMMMM etc
'Assume +ve
wrk_sign = 1
'If -ve...
If Lat_long_string.SubString2(0,1) = "-" Then
'Set sign to -ve
wrk_sign = -1
'Lop off [-]
Lat_long_string = Lat_long_string.SubString(1)
End If
'Find location of first :
wrk_ptr = Lat_long_string.IndexOf(":")
'If have [+]DDD:MM.MMMMM or DDD:MM:SS.SSSSS...
If wrk_ptr > -1 Then
'Extract absolute DDD
wrk_DD = Lat_long_string.SubString2(0, wrk_ptr)
wrk_DD = 0
End Try
'Lop off [+]DDD:
Lat_long_string = Lat_long_string.SubString(wrk_ptr + 1)
'Find location of second :
wrk_ptr = Lat_long_string.IndexOf(":")
'If have MM:SS.SSSSS...
If wrk_ptr > -1 Then
'Extract absolute MM
wrk_MM = Lat_long_string.SubString2(0, wrk_ptr)
wrk_MM = 0
End Try
'Extract absolute SS.SSSSS
wrk_SS = Lat_long_string.SubString(wrk_ptr + 1)
wrk_SS = 0
End Try
'Otherwise, must have MM.MMMMM...
'Extract absolute MM.MMMMM
wrk_MM = Lat_long_string
wrk_MM = 0
End Try
End If
'Otherwise, must have [+]DDD.DDDDD...
'Extract [+]DDD.DDDDD
wrk_DD = Lat_long_string
wrk_DD = 0
End Try
End If
Return wrk_sign * (wrk_DD + wrk_MM/60 + wrk_SS/3600)
End Sub
I have only used this in B4I but there is no reason I can see why it would not work, unaltered, in B4A - although the need escapes me.
Happy coding...
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