Sub ConvertiPdfImg(nomefile As String)
Dim Render As PDFRenderer
Dim img As Bitmap
For i = 1 To Render.PageCount
img = Render.renderPageforDisplay(i)
' now save img in a file
Dim out AsOutputStream
out = File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal, "page" & i & ".png", False)
b.WriteToStream(out, 100, "PNG")
End Sub
Te lo spiego in italiano, uno serve a fare rendering per apparire sullo schermo il secondo solo per essere stampato e ovviamente sono due cose differenti.
P.S. Apri un nuovo argomento per ogni domanda cosi sarà più facile per gli altri trovare le risposte alle stesse tue domande consultando i titoli degli argomenti
one to make rendering to appear on the screen the second only to be printed and of course there are two different things.
The library was wrapped up by Don Manfred, he can know the problem. If he does not answer you anymore, it seems better to follow his suggestion and open another thread. He'll surely have a better answer from you ;-)
I think that the problem was on the creation of pdf. For now i solved with writing a white rect big such as the page before write any others components
Thank everyone