If you have a working B4XPages project, why do you want/need to 'downgrade' it?
If something you want to do in B4XPages isn't working for you, it would be better to search for a solution here surely?
Yes. Attached is your project converted to a conventional B4A project from a B4Xpages project. But, you will probably get criticized and received a lot of flack , rightfully so for going back to the old way, .
I tested it in B4A on QR codes and it works properly. No B4i testing.
1. If you want you app to be pure B4A specific, change all the 3views from B4Xview to:
Private pnlPreview As Panel
Private btnStartStop As Button
Private lblResult As Label
2. You can uncheck BCToast and XUI libraries, but you need to check JavaObject library
3. Replace all the BCTOAST messages and stuff with ToastMessageShow(......