Android Question Convertion to HEX


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Longtime User
I have 2 bytes let say 11 and 33 when i convert them with

a = ((Bit.ToHexString(11) & Bit.ToHexString(33)))

a= 1121

with 11 and 9

a = ((Bit.ToHexString(11) & Bit.ToHexString(9)))

a = 119 and not 1109

how to fix that.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey Baublanc!

Bit.ToHexString(11) is 11? Interesting!
Well, you could do the conversion with this tiny function:
Sub dec2hex (inp As Int) As String
   Dim hex As List
   hex.AddAll(Array As String("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"))
   If inp>255 Then
   End If
   Dim l As Int=inp/16
   Dim r As Int=inp Mod 16
   Return hex.Get(l)&hex.Get(r)
End Sub

Usage: Log(dec2hex(11)&dec2hex(9))
Output: 0B09
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks obscure (excuse me for the mistake ) and Erel, my exemple was not correct.

I have to pull the start adress from a controler and that's how i was doing it:

If job.Success = True Then
If job.GetString.SubString2(0,6) = "2,4,2," Then ' reponce = 2,4,2,3,9
AdrData = Bit.ParseInt(Bit.ToHexString(f(3)) & Bit.ToHexString(f(4)),16)​
end if​
end if

adrData=57 and not 777

so i change my code for:

If job.Success = True Then
If job.GetString.SubString2(0,6) = "2,4,2," Then ' reponce = 2,4,2,3,9
f = Regex.Split(",",job.GetString)
i = 0
B = 0
A = f(2)
v = 2
Do While (i < f(2))
v = v + 1
u = f(v)
B = B + Bit.ShiftLeft(u, (A - 1) * 8)
i = i + 1
A = A - 1
AdrData = B​
End if​
End If


Thanks again for you two
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