R Rams007 Member Sep 21, 2020 #1 If I start off by loading an activity(or layout - are these the same thing?) such as, B4X: Activity.LoadLayout("RunScreen") and then want to load another activity say, B4X: Activity.LoadLayout("EndScreen") How do I do this. Do I need to unload the RunScreen activity first then call activity.loadlayout? What is the difference between start activity and loadlayout?
If I start off by loading an activity(or layout - are these the same thing?) such as, B4X: Activity.LoadLayout("RunScreen") and then want to load another activity say, B4X: Activity.LoadLayout("EndScreen") How do I do this. Do I need to unload the RunScreen activity first then call activity.loadlayout? What is the difference between start activity and loadlayout?
Erel B4X founder Staff member Licensed User Longtime User Sep 22, 2020 #2 Watch the activities life cycle video tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/etp.html However new projects should use B4XPages. Everything will be simpler. Upvote 0
Watch the activities life cycle video tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/etp.html However new projects should use B4XPages. Everything will be simpler.