My english is not very well. Firstly full i apologize from my english
I want to count items from my table using Basic4Android Interface
I use MYSQL.
I wrote this code Button Click.
Dim cuser As String
cuser=tuser.Text ' tuser (Editable Text)
ExecuteRemoteQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM user where username='"&cuser&"'", 1)
I want to ask you How can i take items' count from ResponseSuccess section?
What do i write to ResponseSuccess section ?
Thanks Erkan
My english is not very well. Firstly full i apologize from my english
I want to count items from my table using Basic4Android Interface
I use MYSQL.
I wrote this code Button Click.
Dim cuser As String
cuser=tuser.Text ' tuser (Editable Text)
ExecuteRemoteQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM user where username='"&cuser&"'", 1)
I want to ask you How can i take items' count from ResponseSuccess section?
What do i write to ResponseSuccess section ?
Thanks Erkan