I would like to darken an entire activity with a label, text field and buttons with a panel so that no button or text field can be clicked directly. Only the panel can be clicked on, so that an action takes place. This is also not possible for the label and text field with a button and IconButton. These are not covered. Why not ? What can I do to achieve this?
Greetings strupp01
The Panel must be on top of the other views.
You need to add an event for the Panel either Panel_Touch or Panel_Click even empty to consume the event and avoid that it's transmitted to the underlying views.
If you want views which could be accessed, they must be child view of the Panel.
The IconButton is on Activity. The panel is then generated in code on Activity across the entire screen and brought up with Panel.BringToFront. It covers everything except the IconButton. If the panel is accessed via Panel_Click, the panel should be removed. This also works. As long as the panel exists, the IconButton should not react to a click event. I could set the IconButton Enabled, but I wanted to avoid this.
Can operate the Icon Button (tick) with a click event, although covered by the panel. Not all other labels and buttons. Why? Just because he's on activity?
I just did a test. When I put the IconButton (hook) on a panel, everything works as intended. However, if the IconButton is located directly on Activity, it is not covered by the panel.
It's too big. Will create a mini program tomorrow and then post. The problem is as tested, a button on Activity cannot be covered with a panel in such a way that it cannot be selected. See you tomorrow, then
Hi, I have an activity. In the activity I have a Table, 3 buttons and a label In the Activity I have a Panel which is hidden by default ie not visible I have a SearchView placed on the Panel When I click on the one of the Buttons on the Activity, I make this panel Visible and covers the entire...
@Jeffrey Cameron,
Thanks, that's it. If I enter Panel.Elevation = 5dip in the code, the IconButton is also covered. This solves the problem.
Thanks again to @klaus and @Jeffrey Cameron
Greetings strupp01