Share My Creation Covid-XX-Tester


this is my newest app.
Unfortunately, Google did not approve the publication and blocked it immediately.
But I want to enjoy the app as much as possible and offer it here for download.
Have fun!

PS. I open that Erel doesn't mind.

App description:

This app is the only app that can perform a Covid-XX test, ;-)
and can be used for all upcoming Covid versions.

Please note the following:
These test results are for entertainment purposes only. They are not a substitute for a medical Corona PCR test.

Supported languages:
German, Italian, English

Download-Link: Covid-XX


Active Member
Licensed User
Ironically if your app uses a random number generator it is probably more accurate than the RT-PCR test that is currently being used. The CDC a few days ago admitted the test generates 94% false positives. Only 6% of the test results were accurate. The numbers we have been seeing on TV for the past 4 months are way too high. To get more accurate numbers divide the count by 16.6.

Deleted member 103

I know my test is 50% safe , but Google and Apple don't allow fun about Covid and my app is not approved.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Provide a llink to your source. If it is faux news don't bother with the lies and irresponsible posts.


Active Member
Licensed User
Same thing with betting on coronavirus death count milestones. I have to make do with betting Biden vs Trump.

There are Coronavirus games out there. Corbett Report lambasted CoronaWorld game this week for being propaganda. All the more reason for excluding them from Google and Apple stores.
Corona World

And there is "Corona Fighter" from India which is more educational.
Corona Fighter

I guess when you have 100+ million people sitting at home, they have to be entertained. But I think reading a good book would be more educational for all.


Active Member
Licensed User
Provide a llink to your source. If it is faux news don't bother with the lies and irresponsible posts.

New York Times has raised concerns the RT-PCR test is inaccurate and produces many false positives. None of the COVID-19 tests being used on people, have ever been validated by the company who makes them and this includes the most widely used RT-PCR test. If the company who makes these tests cannot determine if they are accurate or not, why are we using the test results from these kits to shut down the country? Why not use a Magic 8 Ball instead?

I'll throw the ball back into your court. I'd like you to post the links from the manufacturer's website of these test kits that show the kits have been validated to produce accurate results of detecting the COVID-19 virus within a certain range of error. If you can do that, then I will delete my post. If you can't, then the number of infections we see reported every day, is totally meaningless and is the real fake news.


Licensed User
New York Times has raised concerns the RT-PCR test is inaccurate and produces many false positives.
What the article actually says is that the yae/nay decision threshold is too low and makes the test too sensitive, relative to society's capacity to process positive cases:

"up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus"

"barely any" is not zero. The test is not 94% inaccurate.


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There is a great deal of doubt concerning the accuracy of numbers being posted. There is another video with 1000 European doctors calling the virus a scam.
Germany - The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee - Conference

"The idea that we are going to allow people to massage the data and game the numbers is a real issue..." - MN State Senator and doctor
Dr. Jensen calls out 'ridiculous' CDC guidelines for coronavirus-related deaths

Hundreds of American hospitals are facing bankruptcy because they cancelled elected surgeries and the deluge of virus patients never showed up. I remember listening to one ER doctor who completed a 14 hour shift and didn't see a single patient, of any kind. No virus patients and no regular patients. The hospitals are over 90% empty. Tens of thousands of people are dying from treatable cancer and heart disease but they are being refused treatment. Why is mainstream media not reporting this? There are far more deaths resulting from closed hospitals than from COVID-19.
The coronavirus is devastating U.S. hospitals, which will lose $200 billion in revenue by the end of June

Doctors who are treating patients, are calling COVID-19 a scam. These are the people in the trenches with firsthand knowledge of what is going on.
The COVID-19 SCAM EXPOSED | Ethan and Samuel Leeds

Follow the money. The people in charge (Dr. Fauci, CDC) will make millions off of the vaccine. Doctors are being pressured to label deaths as Covid-19 when they aren't.

All of these links strongly suggest the the numbers we are seeing reported every day on the news, is highly inaccurate. I will also state the COVID-19 disease is dangerous for seniors and people with immune compromised conditions. The average age of mortality is around 82 years of age for people in Canada, U.S. and Italy.

Now if you can provide me with the links validating the RT-PCR test to be at least 80% accurate, with test results from the manufacturer or a reliable 3rd party testing firm, then I will gladly remove my post. Until then, I stand by my statement that the numbers we are seeing are bogus.
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