In my B4J program I send a pair of mails via a PHP script to a WEB site, the first pair is sent correctly, the second causes the first mail to crash.
The error is as follows:
ResponseError. Reason: Hostname not verified (no certificates), Response:
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("Job", Me)
job.PostMultipart("https://" & webMailer,dataForControl,Null) ' tells supervisor
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If Not(job.Success) Then
End If
Note that OkHttpUtils2, jOkHttpUtils2 and iHttpUtils2 are actually the exact same b4x library. jOkHttpUtils2_NONUI was required as a special version for non-ui B4J apps. It is no longer required and shouldn't be used. Starting from v2.90 it is very simple to initialize the internal http client...