iOS Question Crash SignalHandler 6


Licensed User
Hello, when I debug and release my app and I use my app for a while then suddenly crash

SignalHandler 6
Error occurred on line: 214 (pageDayOne)
Signal - 6
Stack Trace: (
    "0   Business Calendar PRP V1            0x0000000100ab11dc SignalHandler + 108",
    "1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x0000000207d1c888 960E7DE4-7194-34F3-93C1-947469420D70 + 22664",
    "2   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x0000000207dc7680 pthread_kill + 268",
    "3   libsystem_c.dylib    abort + 180",
    "4   QuartzCore           32B5A8E6-AC13-3BE9-A6B4-AF6309173F95 + 625548",
    "5   QuartzCore           32B5A8E6-AC13-3BE9-A6B4-AF6309173F95 + 187248",
    "6   QuartzCore           32B5A8E6-AC13-3BE9-A6B4-AF6309173F95 + 187100",
    "7   QuartzCore           32B5A8E6-AC13-3BE9-A6B4-AF6309173F95 + 175884",
    "8   QuartzCore           32B5A8E6-AC13-3BE9-A6B4-AF6309173F95 + 175540",
    "9   QuartzCore           32B5A8E6-AC13-3BE9-A6B4-AF6309173F95 + 175424"

crash always in End Sub but why always on different class and sometimes it doesn't appear error line code
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