Android Question Crashlytics -- installation

Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Hi, guys --

Is actual ?

Why I ask ... I decided to integrate Crashlytics to see problems on user's phones.
I followed recommendations and installed plugins in Android Studio.

This plugins offers to add to manifest
<meta-data android:name="io.fabric.ApiKey"  android:value="..." />

Meanwhile offers to add
            android:initOrder="100" />
CreateResource(values, com_crashlytics_build_id.xml,
<resources xmlns:tools="">
<string tools:ignore="UnusedResources,,TypographyDashes" name=""

Why ?


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You should be using Firebase for Crashlytics. Even Fabric tell you to use Firebase...

But if you want to keep using Fabric, don't be surprised when it stops working at the end of 2019.

- Colin.
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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
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Colin -

I am a little confused. As I understand, Firebase simply imports results from Fabric.
I linked Firebase and Fabric from the beginning and can see the same results on both sites ( and

Do you think that there is a difference in installation process ?
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I don't think Firebase imports results from Fabric. I think the Firebase implementation of Crashlytics is completely separate from Fabric. I use Crashlytics (through Firebase) & I don't have a Fabric account.

My understanding is that Crashlytics (& other Fabric functionality) has been integrated into Firebase - so yes, there probably are some differences between how they are implemented in an app. I can confirm (many times over) that the installation instructions Erel provided with the B4A Crashlytics implementation works well.

There doesn't seem to be much point using Crashlytics on Fabric when they have stated themselves that it has been integrated with Firebase & any new features will be implemented in Firebase only (I guess due to Fabric going EOL at the end of 2019).

- Colin.
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