iOS Question create excel files?


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is it possible to create excel files with b4i (like we have excel lib in b4a)?

i searched the forum but could not find any lib.



Licensed User
Longtime User
There is no Excel library for B4i. You can create CSV files with StringUtils.

Thank you erel for your answer.

Can i also create columns and raws with stringutils so when i open the file in excel i will get the same result like i am getting with the excel lib of b4a?
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CSV (comma separated values) files are made of rows with multiple fields. Excel will show it as a table. You cannot change the formatting.

Note that Excel doesn't properly handle non-ASCII text in CSV files.

hi i have just tried to create a csv file and send it via MailComposer from my app. everything works but when i open my file (with Open Office) i get only rows but all values are in only 1 column even i have used "," as SeperatorChar.

how can i get the values i create each in a different column and not all in the same column?

EDIT: ok got it, when i open open office i have the possibility to choose seperator option so choosing COMMA will open the file with all columns. :)
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Longtime User
Note that Excel doesn't properly handle non-ASCII text in CSV files.

i found out that if you open the file with character set: "Unicode (UTF-8)" you should see any text (i tested it with hebrew)
so when i open the file with "Open Office" i just select "Unicode (UTF-8)" and it works

i also add a line with the info to the csv file my app created :)

"Important! Open the file with Character Set: Unicode (UTF-8) if you can't see hebrew characters

(maybe this may be helpful for someone else)
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