Android Question Create file info to the fille parameters


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello people,
I just get back developing after possible 4 years brake. My question is if someone knows how can I add information to the file I create: bitmap or txt file.I need to add additional information to the file so when uploaded to ftp server I can use php script to read the file Info I add so it can be used as description to the file. I didn't find any information about this in the forum, but if this is being covered before please excuse me.Any suggestion... thank you in advance. Happy developing to all


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel and Thank you for the quick respond. I've been thinking how for example some files holds information about company, author, version and location in they info and how to add this info to the files I create. Posible I can describe my question properly Thank you for the respond again. P.s you have done really great job with B4A
Best regards Dimitar
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