Android Question Creating a fluid list of icons with xcustomlistview


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I'm currently using xcustomlistview with a panel containing three imageviews to show a grid of 3x... icons. However, this shows 3 images in a row all the time, which is not what I want.

Is there a way to make this grid completely fluid on all resolutions automatically? With "fluid" I mean that when the resolution increases, the number of images on one line in the imagelist increases as well.

Do I really need to make separate layouts for every resolution and manage all this myself, or is there a way to make a completely fluid grid which is resolution independent, meaning that on large screens there can be like 5 images in a row, but on low resolution screens maybe 2, depending on the size of the image.

John Naylor

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Get your screen size, decide how many images in a row should be shown, then generate a panel with that number of images in your code.

I've just done similar with Simple Media Manager.

I wanted to start my view with a single strip of images but also allow the user to select a view of 2, 3, or 4 columns.

A simple loop took care of generating the relevant number of images shown on the parent panel.
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John Naylor

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I'm not near my PC right now but it went something like this

    Dim panel1 As Panel = xui.CreatePanel("")
    Dim cols As Int
    For cols = 0 To 5                                                'Whatever number of images you want
        Dim img As ImageView       
        img.Initialize ("myImage" & cols)                            'Each image gets an event of mYimage0, myImage1
                                                                    'Skip the & cols to assign the same event to each image
        panel1.AddView (img, (cols * 200), 0, 200dip, 200dip)        'Layout your views on your panel
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