Creating Calendar Events ?


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Has anybody managed to create/interface with the calendar on an android phone using B4A, any of the posts I have found so far do not make for good reading. At the moment I have an app written in VB.Net which uses the google calendar API Data API Developer's Guide - Google Calendar APIs and Tools - Google Code to create, modify and delete events on my google calendar on line then my phone syncs with this. I need to be able to do this directly from an app on the phone using B4A, either
option 1 (preferred)
modify the calendar on the phone and let it sync with the online calendar or
option 2
create the event online then let the phone sync back to itself (long way).


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Longtime User
I am working on it, it would just be a "simple" wrapper, although it may have to handle the current version, previous version and future versions... As it is undocumented, care must be taken.

It might take me a couple of weeks, depending on time and other commitments, i.e. actual App development that needs to be carried out..
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yes, if we can have a calendar lib

I am also trying to write an sample code using httputil to read and write a calendar event.
hope someone can share.
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