Android Question Creating DIFFERENT App Versions in my Device


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Let's say I want to create several Release forms of my App while testing it and I want each version of the App to load into my device with it's own screen icon (not necessarily different from one version to another) and it's own caption under that icon (definitely needed to easily determine one version from another ... e.g.: "AppName001" vs "AppName002").

What minimally defines one App from another so that I can have several versions loaded into my device (each using its own Device resources)?

I realize that if I actually want the icon to appear differently, I need to change the "" image in the "Objects\res\drawable" folder.


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Thank you. I thought it had something to do with the Package Name, but I wasn't sure if anything ELSE also needed to be changed.
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Yes. Thank you.

Clarification: although NOT changing the ApplicationLabel will still allow the App to be installed as a separate App, the caption that appears below the App Icon will not have changed if you do not change the ApplicationLabel name. If you do not change the Icon and do not change the ApplicationLabel name, you will end up with two icons that look the same with the same icon name below them, even though they may represent two versions of the same general App.
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Use Custom Build Action One to change the icons and other resourses.

#If Full
    #CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe, /c copy D:\B4A\logoFull.png D:\B4A\App\Files\logo.png
    #CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe, /c copy D:\B4A\IconFull.png D:\B4A\App\Objects\res\drawable\icon.png
#End If

#If Free
    #CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe, /c copy D:\B4A\logoFree.png D:\B4A\App\Files\logo.png
    #CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe, /c copy D:\B4A\IconFree.png D:\B4A\App\Objects\res\drawable\icon.png
#End If
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