Hello all! I'm a noob here so apologies if I'm doing something wrong here. I was wondering whether there is a way to create
custom library for b4j. I found the article below but it appears to only apply to b4a. Any good links, pointers would be much appreciated!
New video tutorial is available here: http://www.b4x.com/forum/libraries-developers-questions/12431-video-tutorial-creating-simple-library.html Basic4android has a very good support for external libraries. In fact almost all of the internal keywords are loaded from an external library (Core...
As B4X matures, more and more reusable components are written in B4X directly. In most cases it is simpler to implement the logic in B4X directly and the code can be cross platform. Especially with the relatively new XUI library. Standard libraries will never be cross platform as they are...