Share My Creation Crypto Currency live API - using jserver

edit: I have stopped the project, It was for testing purposes and worked well without even a crash.


As mentioned previously at :

I have finally finished the API which is %100 made with b4j using jServer. This API provides real-time crypto currency data, crypto pairs data, historical crypto data with timeframe & period requests. I believe it is a powerful api for people who use crypto currency data on their websites or apps ( or planning to make apps about crypto currency ).

There are live price endpoints and historical endpoints. No user registration or API key is needed for now, if system gets abused at some point , I may implement an API key system with some limits. But it will be totally free in each case.

API Documentation is here:

Thanks to @Erel for this great tool once more and to great community for their help on every case.

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It's very cool that you created a cryptocurrency API that is 100% made with B4J and jServer. Providing real-time cryptocurrency data, cryptocurrency pairs, historical data with time frame and period queries is very valuable.

I'm sure this API will be very useful for people who use cryptocurrency data in their websites or apps (or are planning to build cryptocurrency apps).

The great thing is that the API is free and does not require user registration or an API key. This makes it accessible to anyone who wants to use it.
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