I'm using CSBuilder to format a label of a stopwatch, this way I can control the style and size of the minutes,second,cents... in one shot.
All is fine but I've to initialize the CS every time to refresh the label and this occurs many time per second. I'm afraid that a lot of memory is wasted in this manner.
Someone could confirm it? There's another way to "clear" CS object?
If you previously added a CS to a Label then i guess you should set the Labels Text to an Empty String if you want to clear the label.
Initializing the CSBuilder each time is expected.
To clear the label is not a problem, but I was not sure about memory consumption every time I initialize the CS object, I tried to check ram memory during execution of the app and I noted this increase every time I re-initialized CS (manually clicking on a button)
So I guess that if I initialize the CS every millisec (as expected for my stopwatch) my app will become a memory monster very soon.