B4J Question Custom Functions. Comment and summary for its purpose


Hello everyone, this is my first post in forums, im "new"(3 months) to B4J, and im loving it.
Thanks for the great job you doing. Keep up this great community.

Im working in projects already finished from people whom left the company long ago. Implementing new functions, views, etc...
I had a painfull work trying to understand what they did leave to me, and we all know it is really gratefull a well commented and organized code, and thats what im trying to achieve.
Im trying to find a way to add info for the custom functions implemented, like you can see in the image.

Sorry for the image, didnt know how to post it.

I hope you get what im trying to do. For example in C# you can use a XMl to do so
(hope i can post link to external websites)

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