pnl.AddView(lsv_Dia01, 0dip, 0dip, 100%x, 100%y)
cd.AddView(pnl, 400dip, 300dip) ' sizing relative to the screen size is probably best but...
'pnl.SetLayout (0dip,0dip,500dip,250dip)
retDialog = cd.Show("MP2 - My Personal Priorities", "OK", "Cancel", "", bmp_app)
'ret_dia01 has the class_id value !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If retDialog = DialogResponse.POSITIVE AND ret_Dia01 <> currentAct.class_id Then
't_strD = lbl_class.Text
currentAct.class_id = retDialog
lbl_class.Text = cls2breadcomb (ret_Dia01)
ToastMessageShow("The class of the activity has been updated.", False)
End If