Android Question Customize B4xSearchfield?


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Sub SetLightTheme
   Dialog.TitleBarColor = 0xFF0092BB
   Dialog.TitleBarHeight = 50dip
   Dim TextColor As Int = 0xFF5B5B5B
   Dialog.BackgroundColor = XUI.Color_White
   Dialog.ButtonsColor = XUI.Color_White
   Dialog.ButtonsTextColor = Dialog.TitleBarColor
   Dialog.BorderColor = XUI.Color_Transparent
   SearchTemplate.SearchField.TextField.TextColor = TextColor
   SearchTemplate.CustomListView1.DefaultTextBackgroundColor = XUI.Color_White
   SearchTemplate.CustomListView1.DefaultTextColor = TextColor = 0xFF9C9C9C
   SearchTemplate.ItemHightlightColor = 0xFF00C5FF
End Sub
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