Wish Customize.xml


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This happens every time I upgrade. I have custom editor colors and they get overwritten by the upgrade to the b4a.xml file. I have to edit the file and re-install my color scheme. It would be nice if there was another file that could be loaded after the b4a.xml file that does not get overwritten by an upgrade where I can keep my customization settings. Basically, if Customize.xml exists, load it after b4a.xml is loaded.


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That would be nice, but you can also get the old xml file from the backup directory. this version is compatible with 3.8 so you can copy the color section over. I don't know if any other changes were made but the colors are the same. You might try copying the current xml file to b4a.xml.old and then copy the one over from the backup folder into the b4a folder.

--- Jem


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Jem, I do all the copy and paste stuff but my "wish" is to not have to do it. The other part of the deal is that if a new color is added in the update and my color table doesn't have it defined, B4A crashes. The work around is to copy my (styles) color table after the one in the b4a.xml file and any missing attributes are pulled from the original and the others are over-written by mine. If there was a custom.xml file that is not overwritten by an update but loaded (if present), that would eliminate the need to cut and paste.
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