Android Question CustomListView-Any way to re-index indexes?

Branko Milosevic

Active Member
Licensed User
Let's say several items are added to a CustomListView , if one wants to write all the items from the ListView to a file in an exact order as displayed on the screen reindexing would be very usefully feature. Is it already there?

Branko Milosevic

Active Member
Licensed User
Moved to the questions forum.

Not sure that I understand. clv.GetValue returns the value of the item at the specified index.
Let's say after adding/removing some items there is a resulting CustomListView of 100 items. Indexes are now all over the place and not in the order as displayed. How would one loop through the items to for example save them to database or file and subsequently retrieve them in another list view in the same order as original?

Or a more simple question like how one can access an item that is for example displayed third on the list view from the top?
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