I can't manage to set the correct height/position for a customlistview (x1.54) after the soft keyboard is open (b4a 8.3).
With the keyboard closed, if I add panels to the customlistview, the last one is opened outside the screen, even if I use ScrollToItem or JumpToItem.
With the keyboard opened, the bottom panels (outside the clv) covers the last panel of the clv. Maybe an animation could help.
My IME_HeightChanged event:
pnlMain.Height = NewHeight 'the main panel, where everything is placed
pnlBotones.Top = NewHeight - pnlBotones.Height 'the bottom panel, where buttons are
pnlMainChart.top = pnlBotones.Top - pnlMainChart.Height 'the 2nd bottom panel, the gray one; the clv is above this
clvLista.AsView.Height = pnlMain.Height - pnlBotones.Height - pnlMainChart.Height 'the clv, the third thing from bottom to top